NIS2 in EU Countries

EU city picture

The EU NIS2 directive has to be transposed by EU member states into national law until October 17, 2024. State of completion of NIS2 law differs significantly between EU member states. Some countries have final drafts or enacted law, others have scant public information.

Implementations of NIS2 diverge between member states in many details – sectors and entities are defined differently, obligations are interpreted in multiple ways. Audit obligations will sometimes be fulfilled by operators, sometimes by authorities, sometimes not at all.

EU NIS2 Webinar

EU NIS2 Implementation in EU Member States

Discussion on NIS2 implementations: CZ, FI, FR, DE, HU, PL
Webinar ∙ Register on LinkedIn ∙ English ∙ August 29, 2024

National legislation for NIS2 varies a lot throughout EU member states. Some laws and acts are available or already implemented, others are still in draft and non-public. We will add country-specific pages in English as information becomes available.

Implementation in EU member states

Status EU NIS2 in member states, November 2024
Many countries and much information still missing
Country National implementation Country-specific
Austria Public draft published, implementation expected in 2025
National implementation through Federal Interior Ministry BMI (Bundesminister für Inneres)
Extensive FAQ pages, initiatives for SMEs
Belgium Published in Belgian Official Journal,
entry into force on October 18, 2024
Different options to provide evidence, evidence deadline 18 months,
registration deadlines 2 - 5 months
Croatia Published in Croatian Offical Journal in Febuary 2024
National implementation by the Office of the National Security Council.
Many obligations also for important entities, no 24/74h reporting obligations, transition period 9 months
Czech Republic Final draft published, pending further deliberation
National implementation by Národní úřad pro kybernetickou a informační bezpečnost (NÚKIB), national agency for cyber and information security.
Law in two parts, many specific requirements for risk management measure, entities + strategic services
Finland Final draft published and submitted to parliament by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (LVM), consultations ongoing, further timeframe unknown No regular audits, registration starts January 2025
France One draft, national implementation of NIS2, RCE and DORA through Agence nationale de la sécurité des systemes d'information (ANSSI). Draft law available and statement by ministries from October 15, 2024.
Germany Government draft published, adoption pending
Federal interior ministry responsible for NIS2UmsuCG amending existing law (KRITIS), regulated by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informations­technik, BSI.
More sectors, additional KRITIS operators, some audits, no transition periods
Hungary Commenced since May 2023, additional decrees in force since October 2024.
Cyber security oversight through Szabályozott Tevékenységek Felügyeleti Hatósága (SZTFH).
Many separate government decrees, deadlines from June 2024, security classes instead of essential und important
Italy In force since October 2024
Regulation through Agenza per la cybersicurezza nazionale (ACN).
More sectors, sector-specific authorities, annual registration periods, registration started January 2025
Netherlands Public consultation ended, consultation by Council of State next
National implementation by Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur (RDI), probably by extending the existing NIS law.
NIS2 evaluation tool
Poland One draft from April 2024, under review by several committees
Amends the existing NCSSA (NIS) law, steered by the Ministry of Digital Affairs currently awaiting comments from many other authorities
ISO 27001 and 22301 standards mentioned, audit obligations, complex regulation structure, many sector-specific government bodies involved in supervision
Sweden Recommendation report published in march 2024, draft law expected spring 2025, enforcement in summer 2025 (earliest)
National implementation through Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS).


National differences

There are differences between the member states in implementing NIS2 as well as differences to the EU directive itself. Some examples for country-specific differences as follows.


EU NIS2 defines economic sectors in Annex I and II that are implemented differently in national implementations. Some countries define additional sectors.

Differences NIS2 sectors in member states
own data, November 2024
Sector Differences
Finland Banking, Financial market infrastructure Definition missing
Croatia Education
Sustav Obrazovanja
Additional sector
Czech Republic Military industry
Vojenský Průmysl
Additional sector
Water administration
Vodní Hospodářství
Combines Water and Waster water
Financial market
Finanční Trh
Combines Banking and Financial market infrastructures
Digital infrastructure and services
Digitální Infrastruktura a Služby
Combines Digital infrastruktur and ICT service management
Germany IT and Telco Includes Digital Infrastructure and ICT Service Management (and more)
Public Administration Only parts of the federal government
Subsector Gasversorgung Combines Gas and Hydrogen
KRITIS sectors Additional sector definitions
Hungary Public transportation
Additional sector
Banking, Financial market infrastructures, Public administration Definition missing
Water service
Víziközmű szolgáltatás
Combines Water and Waste water
Digital infrastructure
Digitális infrastruktúra
Implements partially Digital infrastructure
Communication services
Hírközlési szolgáltatás
Implements partially Digital infrastructure
Production of cement, lime, plaster
Cement-, mész-, gipszgyártás
Additional sector
Italy Public Administration
Amministrazioni centrali, regionali, locali e di altro tipo
Listed in separate Annex III
Only central government will become essential
Local public transport services
Soggetti che forniscono servizi di trasporto pubblico locale
Additional sector; Annex IV
Researching educational institutions
Istituti di istruzione che svolgono attività di ricerca
Additional sector; Annex IV
Activities of Cultural Interest
Soggetti che svolgono attività di interesse culturale
Additional sector; Annex IV
In-house companies, subsidiaries, and publicly controlled companies
Società in house, società partecipate e società a controllo pubblico
Additional sector; Annex IV
Poland Energy
Additional subsectors Oil and fuel, Supplies and services for the Energy sector, wider scope in Mineral extraction subsector.
Banking and financial market infrastructure Bankowość i infrastruktura rynków finansowych Sectors combined
Public administration
Administracja publiczna
Wide scope of government bodies
Production, manufacture and distribution of chemicals
Produkcja, wytwarzanie i dystrybucja chemikaliów
Moved to Annex I
Food production, processing and distribution
Produkcja, przetwarzanie i dystrybucja żywności
Moved to Annex I
Moved to Annex I


National NIS2 implementations contain very similar definitions of NIS2 obligations for entities. The following table lists important articles and paragraphs from the national laws (mostly drafts).

Examples of essential NIS2 obligations in EU member states
own compilation, November 2024
Scope Measures Reporting Registration Audits
Belgium Art. 3, 9, 10 Art. 30 Art. 34 Art. 13, 14 Art. 39, 41
Croatia §§ 9, 10 § 30
§ 37 §§ 20, 23 § 34
Czech Republic §§ 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 §§ 13, 14 +
§§ 15, 16, 17 § 6, 11 § 17 decree
for essential
Finland § 3 §§ 7, 8, 9 §§ 11 - 18 §§ 41 § 30
France §§ 8 - 11 §§ 12 - 17
+ guideline
§§ 13, 14, 17 § 9 §§ 17 - 24, 27 - 30
Germany § 28 § 30 § 31 §§ 32, 33 § 34
Hungary § 17 §§ 19, 20
+ more
§ 27 § 26
+ edict
§§ 23, 26 (3)
Italy Art. 3, 6 Art. 24 Art. 25 Art. 7 Art. 34 - 37
Poland §§ 4, 5 §§ 8, 9, 10 §§ 11, 12, 13 § 7 §§ 15, 16


Further Information


  1. NISD 2 Tracker, Bird & Bird LLP, 24.11.2023
  2. NIS 2 Directive Transposition, Cyber Risk GmbH, 24.11.2023
  3. Navigating cybersecurity compliance - EU NIS2 Directive, Eversheds Sutherland, 19.11.2024
  4. NIS2 Article 28 Tracker, DNS Research Federation, 19.11.2024